Holiday Challenge: #BakeOffTheWall
With the holidays just around the corner, our homes are bound to be filled with the smell of freshly baked goods. But just like the cake in your oven right now, sea levels are also rising – and we know that seawalls + sea level rise = the eventual loss of our beaches. Look out for a new fun activity to do with your family!
With your loved ones, create a beach scene of your favorite beach with a seawall using cake, cookies, brownies, candy, etc. – or use a combination of any! Want to add another holiday touch? Make one out of gingerbread! Feel free to get creative and think outside the box – the possibilities are endless!
Talk about the connection between seawalls and beach erosion, as sea levels continue to rise all around the world. For more information about seawalls and sea level rise, check out this awesome infographic on our Instagram! After taking a picture of your masterpiece, BREAK DOWN your seawall and enjoy the sweet taste of your creation.
Don’t forget to take a picture of your masterpiece BEFORE and AFTER the breakdown, and add a fact about the impact of seawalls! Make sure to tag us at @hi_climate and #BakeOffTheWall! Happy holidays to all from Koloa Iki!
Sea Level Rise Game
Koloa Iki wants to know how much you know about Sea Level Rise? Try our game below!